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20% as grants to NGOs eradicating FGM (6m cliff + 5yr vest)

Solana CA: GJybyGCUiqx9PnN1dKYEmSNMGjwdCieZDHnAZt1vpump

Over 230 million girls and women alive today have been subjected to female genital mutilation — UNICEF
New global estimates show a 15% increase in the total number of FGM survivors compared to data released in 2016 (08 March 2024)

Female genital mutilation harms girls' bodies, dims their futures, and endangers their lives - UNICEF 

"We’re also seeing a worrying trend that more girls are subjected to the practice at younger ages, many before their fifth birthday. That further reduces the window to intervene. We need to strengthen the efforts of ending this harmful practice.”

The Problem

FGM affects over 230 million girls and women around the world, causing severe physical and psychological harm. Despite global efforts to eliminate this practice, it persists due to deep-rooted cultural traditions, lack of awareness, and insufficient resources. NGOs on the front lines of this battle often struggle with funding and transparency issues, which hinder their impact.

The Opportunity

We are on the brink of a revolution in the fight against one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).  The opportunity is to innovate an approach that harnesses the lightning speed and social power of a meme coin, the transparency of the blockchain public ledger, and a shared governance between a DAO-elected council of doxxed domain experts and a minimal non-profit corporate board of directors to raise funds with effective global engagement.

Impact and Scalability

By integrating these elements into working form, we create a scalable and sustainable model for fundraising. The global reach of blockchain technology and the viral nature of meme coins allow us to engage a diverse and extensive donor base. This model can be replicated for other causes, creating a new paradigm in charitable giving.

Join us in a groundbreaking venture to contribute to the innovation of a groundbreaking fundraising model that adds utility to meme coins, transforming the non-profit sector.


Together, we can leverage technology and the community's collective intelligence to forge a community-driven shared governance model to raise funds for NGOs working to eradicate FGM.

FGM typically involves the partial or total removal of the external genitalia. Sometimes the vaginal opening is sewn up.  The practice is most closely linked to 30 predominantly African countries, but UNICEF said it may be practiced in about 50 countries including in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Hung Vu

With two decades of experience in high-tech C-suite roles, including CTO, CPO, and COO, I have honed my strategic leadership, technological innovation (collectively, tens of millions of global users), and operational excellence. My journey as a DAO administrator and community manager for a leading omnichain lending protocol (up to 700m in deposits and 250k token holders globally) has elevated my appreciation for and commitment to collective insight, transparency, and decentralized governance. Join me as I channel my energy into a cause close to my heart and perhaps yours too: eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). As the founder of this nascent non-profit model, I am compelled to leverage evolving technology, process engineering, and community power to create lasting change.  Together, we can reimagine the non-profit model while building a better future for the "Children of a Lesser God" - a poignant metaphor for our fellow humans subjected to profound injustices, robbed of fundamental rights to bodily autonomy and sexual health.


Collective awareness and powerful interconnectedness can yield alignment, friendships, and love for your fellow humans.  We can co-create much together with enough of both.  Let's be a force for good <3 

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Top 10 Tech Leader (Washington Post) | First Vietnamese American Naval Aviator


$CLITCOIN on Solana):  GJybyGCUiqx9PnN1dKYEmSNMGjwdCieZDHnAZt1vpump


73,333,333 (7.33%) for salaries, listing fees, legal, DB, marketing, partnerships...

Total Supply:  1,000,000,000

Contract Renounced | 0% transaction tax | 100% Liquidity Burned

Ensuring decentralization & eliminating manipulation/rugging

NGO GrantsEFQsFJ7MLbfJD4Tdmtq6Fhyy6oD934hF5neUzxPEDbd6

200,000,000 (20.00%) 6m cliff then linear vest over 5YR.

May only vote "Abstain" to contribute toward quorum

DEV WalletB9LEtVcwCCmVA1PHJ8872mbwF9WTrA3tGojWYxzaZZBP

50,000,000 (5%) for the founding team

Strategic Reserve:   BjxumAyXrFLAHgRSFrGX68d1vXsMeSb6fBQQRtTqKW6F

10,000,000 (1.00%) for strategic & other items...

Circulating Supply:  666,666,667 (66.66%)

Mission: To harness the lightning speed and social power of a meme coin and accountability of the blockchain's public ledger to raise funds for DAO-vetted NGOs working to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM) practices globally.


Vision: Our good earth free from the barbaric FGM practice - a crime against humanity - where every soul coming into this world taking on the female form is afforded basic bodily autonomy and sexual freedom.

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